82 degrees F. / Miles Walked 10.74

Area: From Montclair to Upland on to Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Wake up at 4:00 am a half hour before my alarm goes off…spend the time in prayer before getting up at 4:45 to shower…cook up some Malt O Meal and tea…fill my pack up with water…looks like another warm one. After leaving the Starbucks where I met several great people…I hit the trail eastward once again. Montclair had grown on me for some reason… As I walked along the weaving sidewalk, I noticed something on the ground to my right at the base of a tree.   Looking a bit closer…I discovered a miniature white paper bible that had been cast down by one who obviously was not interested in its message. How sad it is when the God reaches to write Himself into the tablet of one’s heart only to be rejected, thrown aside, and left lay on the lawn of life. Yet, I pondered how one man’s junk often becomes another man’s treasure… So, I left the bible lay between the blades of grass to await whom God had sent to find it praying that whoever picked it up would meet its Author...   

Moving along with my eyes set ahead…I prayed for those in the houses I passed asking God to draw them to Himself…to grant them hunger and thirst for righteousness…and for hearts that would yield to Heaven’s King with the faith of a child. Today’s trek seemed outwardly uneventful, yet I could feel tension mounting as I approached the I-15 interchange. Why? Two reasons: (1) this junction represented my valley of decision in which I would decide to either head north toward Nevada or on eastward through San Bernardino. And, (2) because it was obvious that enemy of our souls was stirring well-intentioned people to project fear and apprehension with regard to my entering the area. Making a prayerful decision in light of current realities, past experiences, and satan’s ongoing influence on people’s hearts and minds was of key import to my staying on God’s course.  With these things hanging in my heart’s balance…I ended my day’s trail a block from the junction after almost 11 miles in moderate temperatures before jumping into other life demands. More later…


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