Amid The Battle

Written by Greg Benner 08-29-1999 

War!  Taking aim at humanity's soul, Satan rifles the hearts of everyday people caught in sin's crossfire of death.  Struggles emerge as wars waged in arenas ranging from global conflict to personal disunities, while people grapple to be king of life's hill.  Looming in the scope...nations rise against nations, governments lord over people, religions compete with truth, agencies push into homes, and partners wrestle for power.  Riddled by Satan's attack on moral decency and eternal good, widespread spiritual and social decay runs wild waving humility's flag as man's only hope.  Littering the battlefield of spiritual war, many of God's warriors have lost sight of their mission to save souls in exchange for binding their own wounds.  Now, watching closely from heaven's command, God stands poised to dispatch His mercy, majesty, and miraculous power to and through those who've grown weary fighting Christ's cause.  Yet, it's through our confession that the battle is hard, it hurts, and it humiliates us...that God reloads our weapons with divine power to demolish hellish strongholds in the lives of mankind.

The Battle Is Hard

First, we must confess that God's battle is hard if we hope to stay in His war for souls.  Spiritual combat is hard work, draws enemy fire, and exposes us to harm.  As we spend ourselves gathering intelligence, formulating strategies, and engaging in prayer; our human strength can dwindle to discouraging lows.   Exhaustion and mental fatigue top the roster for weary warriors listed as "missing in action."  When fatigue sets in, judgement is impaired, warnings are missed, and mistakes are made.    Proverbs 22:3 tells us that "A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it."  So, if we'll simply stop, review, and ask questions; God will return our eyes to our Savior's face.    However, if we choose to push foolishly ahead into enemy territory unprepared, both we and those we've been sent to rescue may become casualties of war. Therefore, amid the battle, we must take time to stand still, to find refuge, and to seek God's face. 

The Battle Hurts

Next, we must confess that God's battle hurts if we are to fight victoriously in the war for souls.  Many-a-warrior has fallen prey to Satan's schemes by archiving the inner pain inflicted upon them by a comrade in Christ. The battle flares when competition for command, doctrinal debate, and stolen strategies lob their mortars of hatred past the front lines of one's soul.   Next, the conflict grows as harsh words, crushed dignities, and spiritual bombs explode with flashes of bitterness dividing the body of Christ.  Consequently, God's warriors and hell's captives alike find themselves imprisoned by sin with but one hope for escape...humility.  Only our confession, repentance, and obedience in the hands of our loving God will heal the wounds of injustice.  Our eligibility to engage the enemy can only be granted by God, when we surrender our wounds to His sovereign care.   So, amid the battle, we must allow humility to reign in our hearts and minds.

The Battle Humbles

Third, we must confess that God's battle humiliates us if we want to impact the war for souls.  War exposes our fear, uncovers our heart, and destroys our pride as we admit our futile attempt to control God's plan.  Even Paul had to be reminded that the battle belongs to the Lord in II Corinthians 12:9 when Jesus said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  We must remember that God gives us grace to get us through bootcamp, not for us to use as an excuse to go AWOL.  Consequently, each day we must clip the barb wire of sin which so easily entangles as we determine to follow God's commands.  Pride must die and humility must live in our hearts if we are to follow Christ victoriously.  Pride questions authority, promotes division, and touts "no fear" as it ambushes those held in its grip.  Humility however; follows directives, supports unity, and operates in simple faith.  When we surrender to God's strategic plan, our toil will add names to the Lamb's book of life for His glory alone.   Therefore, amid the battle, we must let God's promises become all that we need. 

Victory Hangs In The Balance

Finally, we must believe that God's grace is sufficient for us if we are to win the war for souls.  Throughout history, man has made every effort to replace God's provision of grace with excessive knowledge, complicated logic, and petty rules.  Yet, time and again, human intelligence falls tragically short in its quest to conquer man's sin.   It's time for us all to lay down our weapons of this world, to return our hearts to Jesus as the Risen Lord, and to fight once again armed anew with God's strength which so powerfully works in us.  It's time to fight anointed by God's grace, not driven by carnal schemes!  The cross of Christ calls us to engage the enemy of men's souls now, not as an afterthought left indefinitely undone.   Warriors, are you missing in action?  Are you committed to Christ's cause?   After doing all, will you stand dependant on God, armed by God's grace, and victorious in Christ?   Urgency is at hand!   God's timeline waits for no one!  And one day soon...amid the battle, "Jesus will come...and judgement will come with Him!"  Who has God called you to rescue?  Will you go?  When?


Copyright / BattleCry Ministries - Greg Benner 1998 / All rights reserved worldwide.  These materials shall not be used or distributed without written permission. 

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